Friday, June 15, 2018

Pain improvement,and still plugging along.

My pain is better.I still have hip pain.I don't think that's ever going away.
But I'm still lifting.I can still squat,and deadlift.
I'm not an explosive lifter.To say the least.I'm a slow putterer.Grind and get it done.Do your best on the day.That's a place I had to concede to get to.I do know I worked out too hard when I was younger.I did too much volume training.It was promoted in the muscle media when I started,and it felt kind of intuitive that the harder,and longer,you lifted the more you would gain from it.
Well can hit diminishing returns and exhaustion.
I tend to beat up on myself.
I'm reminded of the crazy scene in the movie 'Liar Liar' where the character is seen throwing himself around the bathroom,and when asked what's he doing responds "I,m kicking my ass! Do you mind?"
I think I succeeded in the self ass kicking department.I think I earned my merit badge in that.
I did adjust over time.
That may be another subject.

I was never a competitive bodybuilder.But I wanted to look like one.Always a great excuse to bulk.I focused too much on lifting heavy.Lifted too heavy,and ate too much.
I had to trim down.Take weight off my back,hips,and knees.
The fact is I love to cook,and eat.I come from a foodie family.( I didn't go to cooking school,or work in a restaurant.But I did get paid to cook for private individuals at times. )
Since I learned about the low carb whole food approach it has made my diet far easier.I'm not  uncomfortably hungry,and miserable about my dieting any more.
I'm hearing a lot about the inflammation issue too.Cutting out the processed food is hopefully helpful.I feel like it is.You sure do shed water weight dropping grains,and sugar from your diet.It will make a noticeable difference.
I could tell after a couple of months that my usual pain level was down.Maybe 30-40% day in,and day out.That's pretty significant.

Then I think it got even better somehow.I lifted more regularly.Made the new eating habits feel like the usual.And started cruising.Now I'd say my pain is down by about half.I still feel stiff on some days after a heavy lifting session,or yard work.It mostly hurts when I have to bend over,and put a pull on my hip joints.
But it's far more manageable.

I did keep using Kratom on,and off.It's very good for pain,and excellent for mood.I have to say it's been a real advantage having access to it.In combination with aspirin,and the occasional ibuprofen it helps keep me active,functional,and strong.
Unfortunately the overreaching idiots in the federal government are trying to ban it as a matter of principle.They can't stand anything remotely like an opioid escaping their crushing legal grasp.Bureaucrats are a nightmare of irrational over regulation.It's their job.But mostly it's their type.They want to be seen as champions of protecting the public....from themselves.Which is a fundamental violation of the concept of personal liberty.Which seems to be a point lost on many people right now.
I'll fix,or screw up my own life thank you very much.
There are organizations fighting to keep it legal.But they're fighting the dull machinery of blind control.It's like a Kafka story.
I support the efforts.But I don't hold out much hope.Bullies usually win in the world now.

Anyway..I'll keep plugging along with my weightlifting as well as I can.It's a long journey.But it's largely beneficial so I'll stay the course.

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