Wednesday, January 31, 2018

I've been reading a lot about food,and diet lately.

I haven't been writing much.Sigh.
But then since I don't have any real readership,no big deal actually.

Anyway..I've started down the road of reading about food,and dietary research.
I did believe the usual story on nutrition for the most part.I was raised in the era of low fat advice.
But it turns out that the evidence for this dietary program is not well supported by science.What I've been reading lately has been a detailed exposure of the recent history of the recommended dietary guidelines for weight loss,and health.
The short story is the powers that be,the USDA,supposed health authorities,and media have been promoting the idea of low fat,high grain,'plant based' diets for decades now.Basically don't eat fat,eat carbs.If you tell people not to have bacon,and eggs for breakfast they'll be likely to eat cereal.They'll have a sandwich,or salad for lunch with chips,and a soda.Dinner may be chicken,or fish and vegetables.Sometimes a pasta dish.There will probably be meat in most people's diet.But less than the generations before.
This all seemed to start in the late 1960's to early 1970's.I now know why.Mostly from the influence of a medical researcher named Ancel Keys.He and his associates promoted the idea that eating saturated fat ( animal based foods ) clogged your arteries,and lead to cardiovascular disease.Without adequate evidence this idea was foisted off on the entire American populace as the official dietary guidelines.Mostly because of the committee lead by Senator George McGovern who was following a low fat diet at the time.The USDA created the well known food pyramid with grains at the base in the highest amount.Vegetable,and fruits.Meat,and dairy,A small portion of fat at the top.
So what happened? The American people have become increasingly obese,and burdened with metabolic disorders.Type 2 diabetes has gone up to alarming levels.
I knew the basics of some of this.But the mainstream medical authorities,and media just keeps putting out the same message.You're doing it wrong.It's all calories in vs calories out.Eat less,move more.It's a simple math problem.That hasn't been working for almost fifty years now.But it's still the dominant dietary model.
I've learned what the deeper story is.The history says that the older,and better founded idea about weight was that sugar,and starchy foods were uniquely fattening.That's what food,and dietary experts knew for ages.Up until the age of Keys,and his insistence on animal fats causing heart disease.That knocked the whole understanding of what to eat for health off it's base.Of course the cereal manufacturers,and soda companies benefit from this viewpoint.Huge powerful food companies make high profits off of processed foods made from wheat,corn,vegetable oils,and sugar.
Yes the American public eats junk food.Too much processed low nutrient filler.It's cheap,and tasty.But it's more than that.It's an overdose of sugar,and refined carbohydrates.People eat high sugar,and carb food,and they crave it.The problem is the human body must manage all of this by producing insulin.Until it can't produce enough anymore.Poor glucose control,and metabolic disorder follows.It's too much burden for too long.

The alternative to the low fat high carb diet can be called Keto,Low Carb High Fat,or Paleo.It's advocating eating mostly real whole unprocessed foods.It does,in general, promote an evolutionary understanding of the human's ok,and natural, to eat meat,green vegetables,nuts,a little fruit.
It discourages eating,or overeating,starchy vegetables,and grains.
Basic protein,and fat.Without the unnecessary carbohydrates.
It's odd that this should seem revolutionary.It isn't.It can feel extreme by what we have become used to.Comfortable,sweet,soft sugary food.There's not much that tastes better than hot buttery bread.How strange to think the butter could be ok,but the bread is not.
Not a happy thing if true.
I'm afraid for some people it may well be.

The books I've read are these;
Good Calories,Bad Calories by Gary Taubes
Why We Get Fat,and what to do about it by Gary Taubes
The Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teicholz

I'm not going to do a full book review here.Maybe at a later time.
There's a lot to unpack as they say about this subject.
I did believe the official low fat recommendation.There wasn't really any counter case allowed.It was the sermon of medicine,and the fitness world.
( only Dr Atkins seemed to disagree )
I worked out,and followed the bodybuilder,fitness approach.I don't think it did me specific harm.But I wish I had of known how important it could be to stop with the sugar,and excessive carbs.It would have made things easier.

I'm following the low carb,and keto story now.I'm listening,and learning,and questioning.But I think they're making a strong case against the grain so to speak.
I'm not sure about the fat issue.But high carb,sugary foods are clearly making too many people sick.

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