Saturday, February 4, 2017

Supplements are bad but Cults are ok? The Super Bowl won't run an ad from GNC,but will run one by Scientology.

Well here is an interesting example of modern morality.Which doesn't look particularly moral.

Super Bowl LI ( 51 ) will be played February 5,2017.The game is huge of course,but so are the ads.
It's a big deal to get an ad to run during the broadcast.It's going to be seen by a lot of eyes,and talked about.
So the NFL has to choose which ads to run.Some ads get rejected.
Here's where it gets interesting this year.
The supplement store General Nutrition Centers, or GNC submitted an ad.It wasn't accepted.
Because GNC carries a few products that contain substances banned by the NFL.DHEA,and Synephrine being two.
The NFL even bars players from endorsing GNC.
So GNC spent all that money just to see their ad rejected.Here's a story from Fortune.
The ad itself is uncontroversial.Slick pretty pictures of diverse people doing impressive things.
Fast cut.Little context.But ok.

It's called GNC;the courage to change.

Why are these legal supplements even banned? DHEA is not a popular prohormone with young males.See the research.Is Synephrine actually dangerous? Decide for yourself.
But honestly the chances that any player in the NFL is using them is slim.
There have been incidences in the past of athletes,including football players,suffering severe reactions to some substances in supplements.Ephedra would be a prime example.So the concern is not unreasonable.But I think it's going overboard to ban this ad.The overwhelming majority of their vitamins,and supplements are legal,and not banned.

Here's the big stink for the NFL.It smells like weed.
The drug testing policies are notoriously easy to beat.
Deadspin from 2015
The Boston Globe from 2015
They do test more often for PEDS.But who would be surprised if players were beating those too.
The league has an understandable interest in protecting player's heath.That's a legitimate issue.
I'm sure we'll all glad they care.
Shame they didn't care a little more about chronic head trauma.CTE in the NFL is a tragic subject.
Just ask Dr Bennet Omalu.
You may be able to view the whole documentary League of Denial depending what country you're from.It's a great documentary.
So here's a crucial truth about muscular hulking men going on rampages.It's not all 'roid rage' folks.
Beating a man's brains in for years will scramble his cognition permanently.And the deterioration can be fatal.

So the NFL dropped the ball on the critical issue of concussions.But now they're virtue posturing about a few supplements.
Well,at least their intentions are good.

Oops.Maybe a little slip in judgment here.They are approving a commercial by the Church of Scientology!
A creepy,mind fucking cult that bleeds people dry of money while promising to clear them of space cootie infections.
It will ruin a person's mind too.It just takes longer.
But they call themselves a 'religion'.So they must be holy? Or more like wholly full of shit.
And the Scientologists have some weird ideas about supplements too.They give people high doses of vitamins,and make them sweat.It's called the purification rundown.
It's pure quackery,and very dangerous.
This organization unquestionably actively hurts people.It does.On purpose too.
The NFL will run their vapid commercial..because.....?
I don't know.I really don't.
I guess Roger Goodell hasn't read "Going Clear" yet.( or seen the film )

Just pointing out the weirdness.I understand the desire to appear moral,and on the right side of things.It's got to have some kind of good intention with it.To genuinely make the world a better place.
Don't promote things that hurt people.Right?
At least inform them,and let them choose their own course.
Why does it go so wonky so often?
Let's keep working on that.

And stay away from Scientologists offering 'personality tests'.
Go work out.

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