Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Dallas McCarver dead at 26.

The news has been reported today that Dallas McCarver has died at the age of 26.

The report is that he probably choked on food,and collapsed while alone.By the time someone found him it was too late.
I'm not any kind of insider news source.I'm just a bodybuilding fan.So this is just my reaction.
It's so shocking,and sad to see a young incredibly strong person die like this.Young athletes seem so full of life,and power.Particularly bodybuilders.It's a cold slap of tragedy when something like this happens.We all know of the cases of bodybuilders in their 40's-60's dying of organ,mainly heart,failure.But that is usually attributed to many years of multi drug abuse,and  congenital predispositions.At this time this sounds like a catastrophic accident.
Unfortunately I know many ignorant people will try to blame the victim in this case.
The general populace has been thoroughly indoctrinated by the irresponsible elements in the media to believe that Anabolic Steroids can,and do, cause sudden death.No knowledgeable medical source proclaims that.The health damage from Anabolic Steroids is cumulative over years of abuse.It unquestionably causes stress to internal organs,But it doesn't just make a user drop dead suddenly.
( of course this man was using multiple drugs so it would be difficult to determine which single drug would be responsible in this fatality )

I think the problem with the media's demonizing of steroids is causing a great deal of ignorance,and hostility toward users.Bodybuilders are being treated with actual hatred by some people.I have no idea why these people want to follow anything to do with bodybuilding.
This appears to be a type of young male who is fascinated,and repulsed by 'enhanced' bodybuilders.
In other words weird bodybuilding trolls who lick up information about bodybuilders,and are intrigued by steroids.They also love to compulsively shit all over them.What they think they are accomplishing by this is beyond me.They seem jealous.But they keep trying to project a position of knowing concern."Dude! He's using gear.That can't be good for you.It must be the cause!".
A kind of concern troll I guess.
It's not concern.It's glee.
They're smacking their lips in satisfaction every time a bodybuilder dies,a or suffers a serious health problem.
It's despicable.

Whatever this young man's cause of death,it's still a tragedy.He was 26.He was living the life he wanted.This was his ambition,and dream.
He was a genuine contender for the highest championships in bodybuilding.This is a terrible loss for the sport.

The most important thing is,he was a young person with a family,and friends who loved him.
Let us all spare a moment to think of the grief of his family.
Sincere condolences on the loss of your beloved son.

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