Friday, April 14, 2017

Google needs to change the one sign in problem.

I think most people who use a Gmail account for YouTube,and Blogger,and just having an email address don't like the system.
We need to be able to keep it separated.
I don't want one single account.
It takes time to work on a blog post.But to sign into Blogger I have to sign into the associated account.I have a number of Gmail accounts for different identities.I have different interests,and need a few different emails to have accounts for them on various sites.
And...It's a pain in the ass to have to sign in,and out of the different accounts.
I have to stay out of my preferred YouTube account.
This has been going on for awhile now.The one Google idea is a flop.
They're really not promoting Blogger anymore anyway.
They're fumbling,and fouling up on YouTube.
Why not change things?
One of the richest,most powerful internet companies in existence,and they mess up the small stuff.
They're getting too big,and unwieldy.
A giant train of products,and services with the caboose falling off.But they can't see it from the expensive cars up front.
And if you complain about it;it's an impotent whine in an ocean of ignoring.

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